Championship PRO-AM (SEGA Genesis / SEGA Mega Drive) -- Wii VC iNJECT by saulfabreg + Wii WAD Download

Hi friends, welcome again to my website what I publish my new Wii Virtual Console iNJECTS.
This is my new website entry and the new SEGA Genesis / SEGA Mega Drive (SG/SMD) game (see all SG/SMD VC iNJECTS).

This is Championship PRO-AM, a game bashed on the original R.C. PRO-AM game released originally for NES in 1987. but this game has been released for SEGA Genesis in 1992, in cool 16-bit graphics and colors, versus the NES 8-bit graphics and colors.

Game data:

Game Name: Championship PRO-AM




Year: 1992
Players: 1
ESRB Rating:

WAD data:

Necessary blocks: 40-56
Compatible controllers:

Download Link: Google Drive
Enjoy! See you again in other website entry. - saulfabreg
